Bentley Raceway and Cable Management CONNECT Edition Help

To Edit Raceway Properties

After raceway is placed, the properties can be changed at any time using the Raceway Properties option.
Note: Changing the raceway size after cables are routed will require you to update the raceway fill info in the Routing model in order for the proper fill factor to be displayed in the routing file.
  1. Select an existing Raceway part of which you want to edit the properties.
  2. Select Raceway Properties from the Raceway ribbon.
  3. In the Tools Settings dialog, select the Route option.
  4. Select first raceway as shown below.

  5. Select the end of the raceway segment.
  6. When the Raceway Property Manager opens, change Voltage level to COM and click OK.
  7. Raceway color is now changed since cable tray with COM voltage level is configured to be placed on different level E-CTRAY-COM.